Mr York of York, animated advert
The film begins with a live-action sequence during which the animator explains the production process involved in making the advert. He explains this to a young couple who are interested in a Mr. York billboard. The film then leads into an animated sequence following Mr. York as he persuades various characters to try York Milk Chocolate. A milk maid, motorist and his car, and a policeman are all helped with ‘York Milk’, and Mr. York tells a cinema audience ‘don’t forget to take some home.’
The advert then returns to the animator who listens as the York Milk jingle plays. He then asks Mr. York if he has any chocolate left. Mr. York throws him a ‘tu-penny bar.’
The film ends with fragments of chocolate animated to piece themselves back into a complete York Milk bar and wrapped in foil and paper. There is a voice-over narration during the credits.